I came across this a while ago, I found it strangely fascinating reading. It lists the offender, what his crime was and what his last words were Death Row Information
Jesus!... Really!!... WTF!!... Why Would you look for this?, great if you are doing research, but WTF!
It is strangely fascinating. I am against the death penalty and you only have to look at this catalogue of offences to see that it doesn't work. It's also interesting to see how long it takes American justice to finally execute the offenders after convicting them - frequently decades. No doubt there is appeal and counter appeal. I can't help feeling that the whole thing must cost a lot (quite apart from it being a fairly inhumane process). So worth bearing in mind for all the "hang 'em high", "I don't want them wasting my taxpayer's money" types on here. Adopt the American system and I doubt you'd be saving anything. It's hard to feel any great sympathy for the offenders when you see what they were convicted of. But still, we don't need to go over all the capital punishment arguments again.