Decat pipe and baffles removed = AWESOME

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Stevie_c73, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Hi All,

    Finally got around to fitting my decat pipe, and removed the baffles from the Termi slip-ons. OMG what a sound! The bike is more resposive everywhere, and feels like it's about 10% up on power. However the engine braking is about 40% less, which nearly caught me out on a rather sharp right hander...

    Overall happy Stevie (unhappy neighbours...)

  2. I couldn't believe the difference when I went from standard exhausts to the single racing can Termi; it really is like a different bike!

    There was a cam kit as well which would give even more power but they're like hen's teeth these days.

    Definitely worth doing!
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