Default Pin

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JH_1986, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Right, I've used the search function but can't find anything. I've got a 2nd hand multi but what is the default PIN as I wish to change it. Need to do this as if it's not the default and the previous owner changed it, it will be going back to the dealers quickly tomorrow for a reset.
  2. ive heard its the last 4 digits of the VIN, but when i got my used multi i had to create one
  3. If its never had one then it will prompt you to create on when you go into the pin menu, thats how all my Ducs have worked.
    If there is no prompt to create pin that would suggest previous owner entered one :)

    I doubt dealer can do anything tomorrow service department not open on Sundays
  4. It asks for the existing PIN. Surely they should check this and reset it on all 2nd hand sales.
  5. I agree with you, It should have been reset but I aint sure it can be, only changed provided you know the original pin. I havent bothered to set mine up as I can never remember how to access the menu anyway :)
  6. Does the manual say how many tries it will let you do ? if its three you could use one up and try 0000 in case dealer set a default pin.
  7. It can be reset according the manual. By an authorised ducati dealer obviously.
  8. In that case try 0000 if you are allowed 3 tries that is.
  9. And try the last 4 digits of the VIN!!!!
  10. Will add that to my list of things to do tomorrow, along with lowering the low beam [emoji295]️
  11. I searched PIN and didn't get that result??? Arse.
  12. Get the dealer to ring the original owner and get it from him , this is what I ended up doing
  13. I searched Google and it pointed me to this forum and that page, the search function on here is pretty hit n miss so not your fault mate, I hope the link helps though.
  14. In my humble opinion the dealer should have got this information on trade in to pass to new owner or at least reset it once they got the bike.
    If this is not done they should bloody well reset it FOC
  15. Will try sorting it out tomorrow. Just trying to let the manual sink in. A lot to learn. Hit the horn a couple of times trying to get the down button. Couldn't find full beam in the dark so was holding the flasher. Took me 30 miles with the missus on the back to figure out 2 plus luggage. Heated grips I googled when we stopped quickly.
  16. It's a man thing not reading the manual before hand, trial and error works best :)
  17. I find the indicators the weirdest. They don't feel like they 'move' much in a left/right way. Never sure I've done it so look for the green arrow
  18. I use hand signals
  19. Waving two fingers surely doesn't count?!?
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