Definition of a Sport

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. You cannot be world champion in a sport if you successfully compete wearing footwear you can buy in Timpsons.

    This means that darts, snooker etc. are not sports.

    The definition works for me.

    Do you agree or disagree? Can you provide reasons why? Not a test, just interested.
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  2. Difficult one that...Im an angler and some of the worlds best Anglers will fish wearing an old pair of trainers, some of our best British anglers only wear trainers, and yes Angling is a sport, we have world championships national championships and many different Leagues.
  3. It's only a sport if there is serious risk to life. The rest are games - football tiddly winks snooker
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  4. I'd make football interesting... me with a vulcan cannon on the sidelines... then the fuckers would earn their 24 million or whatever the cunt gets.

    ... and calm...
  5. If you don't sweat it ain't a sport.
  6. i'd say a sport needs to be interesting to watch with competitive action, so sorry that rules out angling, golf, F1
    #6 SteveO916, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
  7. If there was an olympic sport for being a lazy bastard, that bronze medal would be mine.
  8. Bronze? I'd settle for fourth :smile:
  9. But under that definition chess is a sport:biggrin:
  10. And so is vegetable growing :tongue:
  11. A sport involves engines. No motors = not a sport.
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  12. Although I believe mountain climbing and bullfighting can also be classed as a sport
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  13. mountain climbing is just a hobby for mad people...
  14. Bullfighting is just a mad abattoir with bells on.

    That's not a sport. You're not competing with anyone except the bull and he's going to get his.
    With a foregone conclusion, it can't be a sport.
    #14 gliddofglood, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
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  15. Hemingway??
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  16. I'm beginning to think that a sport requires physical exertion and a game or pastime doesn't.

    In which case, fly-fishing and shark fishing may be sports, but ledgering in a lake is a pastime.

    Darts and snooker are games not sports, ditto chess.
  17. Is the right answer :upyeah:
  18. A sport:



  19. ergo snooker!!!!

    ref stephen lee.......
  20. Once, a sport was anything that was completely pointless , unnecessary
    and that would not be missed if it hadn't been invented.
    As it had nothing to do with work,it was all about fun and entertainment
    I don't think the same applies now though
    So COME ON SCOTT!!!!!
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