Denmark, a cultural oddity?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Seems they love killing animals, the whole dolphin thing the other week and today killed a healthy giraffe then, in public and in front of families, skinned it and fed it to the lions.

    Goes to show the cultural differences don't mean just skin or religion or even regions of the world.

    Find pretty abhorrent myself
  2. Lions do eat giraffes though, can't get much more natural than that...
  3. Because it was a giraffe ? If it had been a cow then it wouldn't have made the news

    Having said that not watched but then I don't particularly want to
  4. The whole letting the public watch is a bit wierd
  5. No prob with feeding it to the lions, but it was healthy, 2 years old, they had other zoos willing to take him

    and we don't breed them to eat them ;-)
  6. In China they feed live prey in their zoos for paying spectators - so if we eat giraffe it would be ok ?
  7. I understand the breeding thing, but why not neuter it and let it go to Yorkshire?

    seems a bit weird to me too, especially it being public
  8. image.jpg

    The Danes also have a liquorice sweet called "Spunk". Fact.

  9. They are blaming the EU, also wondered why they wouldn't just get the house bricks out.
  10. Apparently this is "business as usual" for a zoo. Deference is, this time they made it public.
    I too do not like to see a healthy animal killed but I wonder how much goes on in such places that we are normally simply not privy to?
  11. ffs its only an animal.......there are children in china without access to swimming pools....petition your mp to send them aid.
  12. It's crap husbandry :( and genetics :(
    You don't breed stock that's genetically of no use to bloodlines. Not in Animal husbandry ...
    The reason he was bred is the same as many others are ...
    Baby animals bring in punters ..
    So they keep producing the babies as attractions ( rather then genetic conservation) then cull them and breed more it's common practise.
    Sadly what pissed me off is the animal was offered homes and money and could have been neutered.
    They then butchered it and posted the photos worldwide and made it into an attraction.

    That was tactless and a big f you from the moron in charge if that zoo.
    Quite frankly if you want to preserve genetics then each country has a centre to do it ..

    Zoos should be shut as far as I am concerned .
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  13. The Danes have just dropped several points in my estimation.

    Grim thing to do.
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