748 Diagnostic Faults

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Duc748, Apr 25, 2023.

  1. Hi. Looking for advice on what to do next following ecu faults i found this evening. Stored faults are as follows:
    Battery voltage v to low
    Injection left
    Injection right 0V
    Main relay 0V
    New Fault
    Injection left 12V
    Battery is good. Tried swapping underseat relays no difference
  2. Depending what you’re using for the diagnosis typically if they’re marked as stored faults it means they’ve happened in the past, are not current faults, but they have not been cleared out of the ecu.

    I’d guess that historically the battery had an issue and wasn’t supplying the correct voltage. I’d delete the faults, re interrogate the ecu and see what, if any, current faults you have.
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  3. This ^^^

    Would recommend, at the very least, running the engine between clearing and re-checking. If not going for a short ride. Some faults might not manifest themselves until you do this.
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  4. Thank you both for the reply. Fault has now been pin pointed to no power on the horizontal fuel injector connector
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