Stop trying to legitimize your perversions. The fishermen's injunction against you still stands and no amount of incidental scientific data can change that.
Prof Long added that the discovery was made as he was looking through a box of ancient Scottish fossils. He noticed that one of the C. Nesbitt specimens had an odd L-shaped appendage. Further investigation revealed that this was the male genitals.:Vomit: Interesting thanks for that.
@Baldyboy no prob. @bootsam selfie? have you tried posting it here? Plenty more fish, PlentyMoreFish online dating site dating website
The only thing the Scottish have ever done with fish is to batter them (beer batter obviously) and eaten them.
Traditional Scottish Recipes - Beer Battered Fish they say fish is good for the brain. are you allergic?:smile:
are you more of a cut in to soldiers and dipped into bread crumbs kind of guy. because i cant think of any other way of having it.