1200 Different Screen Heights.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Biot, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. This may help some peolple with how the screens are; standard and DP (11 plate Multi).
    Pictures showing standard screen and DP Touring screen in low and high sliding positions with Aztec spacers fiited. I'm 6ft 1in in my pyjamas! Standard in low position.jpg Standard in high position.jpg DP Touring screen low position.jpg DP screen in high position.jpg
  2. Don't like the look of those, but do they cut down the wind noise?

    Edit to add: Where did you get them and how much?
    #2 nsm3, Apr 14, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  3. One was from a forum member the other off fleabay via a bike dealers shop. Both second hand. There wasn't much difference in wind noise between the 2; taller one with lip (DP) slightly better. It does depend on your height and type of helmet too. Had a large Calsci one before that was on when bought the bike. It did a good job but was large, bit like a Beemer R1200 screen!
    Happy with the DP Touring one with the Aaztec spacers fitted, which push any screen into a more vertical position.
  4. Sorry Biot, just realised I wasn't very clear. I was asking about the Aztec spacers.

    I already have the DP tinted touring screen, fitted from day 2, the original clear is in the box in the garage.

    I suffer with terrible noise from mine at anything over 60mph, even with earplugs in, regardless of position (too high and the screen just oscillates and makes it worse!). A lot is down to the Arai GP RX7 helmet, possibly the noisiest I have owned. It is stopping me from investing in a Scalarider that can Bluetooth to my mates Schuberth helmets as with the current Autocom/iPhone link, I can't hear what they are saying at 60 and above.
  5. I get wind noise on mine (DP with spacers), wear ear plugs and have Interphone4 headset. Above 70 mph I can't hear Doris regardless of any of the 3 screens i've fitted. Helmet is a Shoei Quest. I don't get wind blast straight into the visor aperture unless I move my head about 8cm up. So in normal riding mode it's fine for me below 70 to hear chatter from the rear!! Even the giant Calsci one I had was perfect. If I took off the spacers it would be worse.
  6. I can help with the Aztec Spacers, drop me a PM if interested

  7. PM sent.
  8. MRA Screen, Palmer products screen spacer, those little side screen winglets and I get a buffering free, smooth airflow and I'm 5'11". Took me 2 years to get it sorted!!
  9. I have Barkbusters, so don't think the side vents would work - restricting lock?

    Looking at you Brecon photos, I can see all the bits - the front end of your bike looks like an F1 car derivative!!

    I suppose that is why Ducati have provided such a rubbish solution, form over function - typical Italians!

    Interested to try the spacers though.
  10. I have the Aztec spacers and MRA X-Screen which has helped a fair bit but the winglets are next on the shopping list to see if I can get the Nirvana of airflow.......
  11. If we wanted no air flow we'd be in cars! :upyeah:
  12. Too true. That's why I'm looking for the best airflow not no airflow.:upyeah:
  13. Exactly. I now have a buffering free, smooth airflow as I said earlier. I get no resonance in the lid or visor shake and could (If I were daft) ride without earplugs with my Shoei on but not my Arai.
  14. My XR1100 is quieter than my Qwest but Qwest has a Drift Ghost one side and Interphone4 module on the other so a bit rough in the wind. If I took the (lovely) Aztec spacers off my screen angle would be less and the wind would hit my nipples!!
  15. Interesting - just fitted the Aztec spacers to my DP screen (thanks for prompt service Dave) and went for a quick whizz up the dual carriageway as I'm in the middle of decorating, so not a full test, but at 90mph there is a significant smoothing out of the airflow - I'm quite surprised and can't believe I have put up with that buffeting for 4 years and 19k miles ?!
  16. Nsm3, Your welcome

    I can't believe you put up with it for so long
  17. I bought some spacers but didn't need to fit them (2013 Touring S with touring screen) after changing my Arai for a Shoei Air and getting some brilliant earplugs from America. Can't remember what they are called but they're like a blue reusable plasticine and are described by the company as: "the best earplugs in the world". That's confidence for you! And to be fair they are the best I've tried, including permanently moulded ones. Cheap too. Think I paid £10-£15 including fast shipping.
  18. I'm thinking of trying those Hocks Noisebreaker type which allow conversation through (for comms), but get the roar to below dangerous levels. I'm pretty sure I have already damaged my hearing as I get random bouts of whistling/whooshing which is no doubt down to the bike riding. It has got worse since a recent trip to Amsterdam, which was all motorway and even with standard plugs in, my ears were ringing for ages afterwards?
  19. I just fitted a givi screen for touring, about 2" higher and wider I think made a huge difference for wind noise, I am about 5' 6" maybe 7" it rode very smooth, at all speeds, slight buffeting overtaking lorries nothing to worry me though. I also bought the small Give similar to pikes peak, matt black, again very pleased.
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