Difficult questions that need answers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Why is the winner of Miss Universe always from Earth? :smile:
  2. because the birds from zorg are pigs.
  3. Where are the keys to my Blackbird?
  4. What's her name and I'll ask her :smile:
  5. Unlike some weirdos I don't give my bikes names:wink:
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  6. Why is the largest de-militarised zone on our planet actually the most militarised?... (North Korea / South Korea)
  7. why is Christmas in December, it would be less miserable in june.
  8. Christmas is always miserable. Bah humbug.
  9. I'm on me hols. Doesn't feel miserable to me right now. :)
  10. in yer pants playing computer games?
  11. Why is the best way to build your credit rating to use a credit card responsibly when you can't get a credit card without a good credit rating?
  12. Indeed...but damn if Ive got a list of chores!...shouldve stayed at work. Yeah fat chance on some of the list...but she does that. She knows I won't do all of them but is happy for some to get done. Ever get the feeling you are being so gently guided into doing things without ever really noticing?
  13. put yer foot down, and get dusting :tongue:
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  14. Oooh thanks' for the reminder, need to update Wantz's
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  15. exactly whats going on with perfume and cologne adverts???
  16. Well they are a bit more imaginative than they used to be-anybody remember 'Brut-splash it all over' advert?
  17. its smelly water. Thats it. Why anyone would pay £50 for a bottle of smelly water is beyond me.


  18. Don't you want unlimited s.........x then?
  19. Smallpox..?
  20. That made me laugh:smile:Like it.
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