Digital camera repairs ???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    I have a lumix TZ digital camera, brilliant bit of kit, however, there are now dust / lint / fluff in the lens.

    Does anyone know of a repair centre that can strip the zoom lens and clean it?
  2. Can you see the result of the dust in photos? If not don't worry about getting it cleaned.
  3. Yep, 2 black marks on every pic I take :0(
  4. Is the dust large (several mm)? If not it's more likely to be crap on the sensor as lens dust doesn't normally form an image you can see (sometimes if its on the back element it can I think). Here's an article about it:

    What To Do With Dust Inside Lens

    You may need the sensor cleaning if you see spots on images. A good test for sensor dust is to set the camera to manual and use a very high fstop (like f22 or more) and shoot a blue sky or other featureless brightish surface. If its sensor dust it'll be obvious and get sharper the higher the f number.

    I have a large bit of lint on the front element of one of my lenses. It doesn't cause any artifacts and so doesn't need cleaning off.
  5. How brave are you.

  6. Ah, compact camera, rear element is close to the sensor - I can see that might be a problem for dust (wouldn't expect front element dust to form an image though (??).

    Vid shows it can be done, so I say strip the bugger yourself... if you've got steady hands!:)
  7. Price of DC these days, reckon its DIY or bin and buy another
  8. I did wonder myself whether it would be ecconomical to send in for a repair.
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