Hi all im having a bad week lost keys including datatool S4 fobs . Found a company who can help called Motomatrix . They specialize in key cloning etc . Sent my dash and ign barrel and they programmed new keys with the dash great i thought . Today i fitted the dash and ign and a new s4 alarm which is working . New key fitted my barrel and so i turned on using new key . I dont believe it !! No lights on the dash at all and starter button is dead !! Checked fuses all good , Motomatrix say Datatool alarm to blame but im not sure . I hope someone technical might be able to help ?.:frown:
Sounds similar to the problem we had with Nicky's monster, and that was the data tool alarm, if the internal battery corrodes ( quite a frequent occurrence) it leaks over the circuit board, leaving you unable to start the bike as it shorts the immobiliser! As Andy says, ditch the alarm
Hi The alarm was bought new to replace the existing S4 alarm when i lost my keys trouble is with these S4 alarms theres no way of getting into them as i found out to my cost !. Would i need to get a professional to cut the alarm out .
We had to get the bike recovered to our local bike shop to get the alarm removed, if memory serves me correctly it cost us about £100
Im reluctant to rip the alarm out at this time , Datatool guy said he would check the alarm for me then if thats working fine i guess Motomatrix will have to look at the dash to check programming !.