1200 Disabling Exhaust Valve

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by sauluk, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Sorry to have to post this but have just spent 10 mins trying to find a definitive source of how to go about disabling the exhaust valve, is there a how-to thread on here??
  2. There are loads, I posted a link yesterday on a thread about poor running below 3k in multi section from Andy W site
  3. I had seen that but it's a LV decat how to? I saw something somewhere about disabling the flap at the exhaust end using a spring rather than the motor as in that guide?
  4. The link in that thread tells you what you need to know...take a horse to water :Banghead:
  5. Bradders, that wasn't the solution I was after but some of the pics are helpful. Chrisw, that's the one thanks mate
  6. Which links to the same external web source. Go check out AndyW site, if you want to know stuff thats the place
  7. It does but when I try to get the page I'm after I get a failed message and redirected might just be me
  8. Fit a valve lifter................Ah, those were the days.........
  9. These days most fit a shirt lifter
  10. Get you..........
  11. How old are you FGS?
  12. Vaguely back OT, I've just fitted a duc.ee from vizi-tec. Weighs about 10g, fits in seconds and you can then ditch the whole servo system. Simples.
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