
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. My boy whos 9yrs had been playing out this afternoon with his friends when a couple of young lads about 10/11 came over to start hassling them......it resulted in my boy and his mates asking them to go away when one of the lads said to my son "make me then you paki c%%t"........my boy was mortified and came home and told Butch about what had happened. My son is mixed race but west indian and not indian/packistani and has suffered taunts from this lad for a while calling him a paki and saying he is covered in poo and calling him a black c&&t. Whilst my lad has ignored the vile comments this was completely the last straw today as he was clearly upset by this and we have all had enough......I called to see the parents completely off the defense because whilst i wanted to rant and rage and my initial thoughts were find this kid and grab him by the throat I felt it better to at least be calm and get a result! The childs mother was mortifed and said she would deal with it and was completely apologetic......I suppose she could be nothing other. My boy and I walked away and he said thanks mum do you think that he will stop now? I tried to reassure him and said yes mate I think it will but you must tell us if it does happen again although i dont think it will now his mum will have words.

    It riles me that kids can be so vile and pick on kids and especially at such a young age......comments like this must be heard from the parents surely because how would a 10 year old really now what paki and c%%t means?

    A very angry Mum!!!
  2. So sorry to hear this story.

    Regretably kids are cruel. Always have been, always will be. Hopefully this kids mum will teach him the error of his ways.
  3. Pixie I hope it does stop for him, but I would fear the worst! At least you got the right response from the parent many would have just stuck up for the child not believing their offspring could act in such a disgusting manner.

    Hope its sort now.
  4. Sorry for the double post, it's my not so smart phone! Anyone know how to delete a post?
    Thanks Toro, done
    #4 PeterDucati, Aug 23, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  5. Click the edit button and delete from there :smile:
  6. +1 That's kids for you Emm.

    They are often wiser and more exposed to that sort of thing than you'd think. Just hope that it's not the parents view and they didn't hear it at home or it won't go away or get better, if it is accepted and spoken by the parents. :frown:
  7. Keep documenting what you have witnessed and what you have said and to whom.

    If you don't get a result, go to the police. That sort of behaviour is inexcusable, even more so at 10 or 11 years old. A visits fro mthe police will certainly have the right effect. If not, then the problem is far more deep rooted that we all think.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Im sorry to hear that you're young one has had to go through this. Hopefully the mother will punish this little scumbag enough to make him think twice
  9. Sorry to hear you've had to go through this :-( kids can be incredibly cruel sometimes without fully realising just how much effect they are having. You must keep records of all that is said and also inform the school when the time comes so they can keep an eye out. Good luck.
  10. ....If all else fails....send Butch round to smash his old man every time it happens! :upyeah:

    Sorry but it does work, when the kid sees the effect of bullying first hand!

    An eye for an eye n all that!
  11. Part of the reason why I went round as butch said if I go Emm it will be a 'bloody' mess!! Hes not happy!
  12. When I was that age, various kids at one time or another would give me grief or kick me and then run away, because I was big and not a particularly fast runner (but a very effective loose-head prop).

    What they found out a little while later when I got hold of them unexpectedly (after they'd forgotten about what they'd done) is that I had a very long memory, and that they were about to have the shit kicked out of them. Generally the message sunk in after a couple of times and they left alone.

    Eventually this ended up in front of the headteacher, who wanted to know why I'd just used little Johnny's head to open a door. Upon explaining the situation, I was met with the attitude "But that was ages ago, it doesn't count anymore".

    "Really? I wasn't aware payback had a time limit." Gotcha!

    A time will come when your little lad gets the upper hand :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Kids pick up on any difference to turn into bullying either physical or verbal. Of course, they must get it originally from parents. It might not be from their own parents, it may be from other kids. But somewhere along the line, it has to come from adults because little kids don't know anything about these differences.

    I was always getting gyp as a kid for "being posh". I wouldn't have minded so much if I was "posh" (which let's face it, is a divisive, derogatory, class-ridden word) - because then maybe I'd have had a better bike and more lavish holidays than my fellow pupils. It was entirely the reverse. Dammit!

    You're right to bring it up with the parents. Their duty is to make sure their kid doesn't grow up as a racist. Time for a good slippering! (except that now that will have them up in front of a beak. Doh!)
  14. Firstly its great that he felt he could tell you.
    It was right to go to the parents first as going and yelling at the kids concerned could get you in trouble.
    Sounds dumb but may also be worth giving your son a dictaphone or some way of recording it..
    Obviously not in other kids view.
    Log all comments times who said it.

    If the kid comes round and starts get your son to walk away say nothing ... that way he can't get in trouble and the bully is not getting a reaction and may get bored.

    Children learn from example and what they hear , wouldn't be at all surprised if he has heard that language in the home.

    If happens again go back to his parents and say again its not on...

    If it still happens go to the police at age 11 the police can act on it.

    We have had to send some of our pupls down as 11 year olds and a few hours down the station and a talking to is often enough to change children's minds!!!

    I am stunned at how some children talk now.
    I won't put up with it.
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