1260 Do The 1200 Seats Fit 1260?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by freshage, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. The 1200 DVT was the first of the Multistrada 1200s to have a seat height you could adjust rather than having a different thickness of foam. The seat in your link appears to fit 2012-2014 Multistrada 1200 which is pre DVT. If that is the case, the answer is no, it won’t fit your 1260. Andy
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  2. Thanks mate, butt static it is for now then.
  3. He’s correct, the pre DVT seat will not fit a DVT 1200 or 1260. However the seats on the 1200 DVT and the 1260 are the same. Definitely.
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  4. I found the pre dvt seat a lot more comfortable.
    It was only after that , they made a mess imho
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