Do you live in Swindon?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Surprised you didn't pick up on this one...:wink:

    "Ms Fisher, who lives on Newhall Street, said it had been "good that the council came around to clean all of the back alleyways up".
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  2. Phnarr phnarr :tongue:
  3. I didn't know the council had such a sense of humour - or their contractors.

    I'm sure they went to the pub afterwards and laughed like drains. I would have done.
  4. That'll be the contractors trying to maximise their invoices and hoping nobody would notice. Someone's going to get a bollocking I suspect. :biggrin:
  5. I'm an ex Swindon resident !
    There are a lot of back Alleys .
    Worst being when I lived on Manchester Road .....
    Used to get flashers up my back ally!
  6. Is it still infamous?
  7. That's the one.

    Still ,you gotta cut Swindon council some slack, they did switch off their speed cameras after all.
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  8. I don't know now days but back then George Whites and ladies of the night and flashers were about
  9. Nice:eek:
  10. Great when you were eating your tea and looked out of the window :(
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