Documents in Europe, originals or copies

Discussion in 'Touring' started by johnv, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. I believe that carrying original documents, registration etc, is a requirement in some if not all European countries. In practice what do people do ?
  2. Have taken the originals in the past, not worth the hassle of having the wrong stuff, just keep them all together in a safe place, and leave a copy at home.
  3. I reckon you need the original of the bike ownership doc and a driving licence and a green card, I suppose, and that's all I ever take.

    But it is so that in Switzerland it's all the police will ever ask for. Insurance is linked to your number plate, so you can't have one without the other. And you can't have a "permis de circulation" without an MOT. The borders are all so nearby here, I am always in France, or Germany, Italy, Austria etc. I never take anything beyond the driving licence and the permis de circulation. But I don't think the police would be impressed with copies of anything.
  4. When i got stopped and fined in Austria late last year for not having a Motorway pass i was asked for my documents. I told them i only carried my licence which suprised them but then just shrugged and seemed satified enough.
    They had just taken 120 euros from me though !
  5. V5, insurance certificate and plastic part of licence. MOT I never bothered as they look if vehicle is road worthy by their rules not uk.
  6. never taken anything. And I have lived in Belgium and Germany and travelled numorous times i france, spain, italy, holland, czech, poland etc. Feck em, they're all third world in camparison to the Uk.
  7. Which bit of the UK were you thinking of - Chelsea and Bath?
  8. Huddersfield and Oldham actually...........:eek:
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