Does anybody have a spare dainese zip attachment (the bit you remove)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. I'm actually asking on behalf of a very good mate of mine, he used to frequent the ducatisti forum but since that went down he's never really bothered with forums again.

    hes after the spare material section you get with any dainese jacket or trousers which you remove to attach the two together, apparently he needs this to attach to a textile jacket he has so he can then zip it in to his dainese trousers.

    i must admit I never kept them but figured some others may be in the same position and have one going spare.

    if you do he's more than happy to pay postage or even buy the thing off you for a reasonable amount.

    pm me if you have one

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