Im talking about hitting the MUTE button when those bloody annoying adverts start. I dont know whether its just me but im certain that the volume shoots up by 100% when the ads start. Ive never been a fan of telly..i only have one at the moment because my ex wanted a TV...i hadnt owned one since the late 90's. Personally, i also find TV advertising soooo literally makes me enraged at times. Because ive been off work due to illness ive seen as many tedious, repetitive, facile, misleading adverts as i can tolerate. Fair enough, theyve got crap to sell, and they have to try and laugh, cajole, scare, trick us out of our money..but why the screaming, blaring, colour saturated assault on my senses?? Im with Bill Hicks when it comes to advertising and marketing... Bill Hicks on Marketing - YouTube
yes, always and getting worse - (hold phone at distance if a canvasser happens to ring). Not directly related to thread but have to smile as I remember, when Spike Milligan was told to 'hold' while on a phone call apparently he would put the hand receiver next to a radio speaker while he went to make a cup of Tea.
I go and make a cup of coffee Yes the adverts are much louder than the programme I maybe watching Recording then fast forwarding works for me or just keep the thing turned off and read a book or frequent here :-/
I go and make Nicky a cup of tea during ad breaks, bloody nuisance they are, disturb my time on the forum!
No, to be fair to her, I'm on the iPad and she's watching the box, when I hear the ads, I look at her, she nods, so I go and put the kettle on! I don't even have to say a word! And she doesn't ask.
That tells me who wears the trousers in your house :wink: Actually, thinking about it, no-one wears anything in your house :tongue:
Completely agree with you. They absolutely do my head in! Especially that twunt singing Go Compare - I would never use that company now, even if it was the best deal. As if the bloody song wasn't bad enough, it comes through at twice the volume! I use sky+ for everything now, and fast forward through the adverts. Some of the Satellite channels seem to have even more ads than ITV, Ch4 etc, and it makes them unwatchable. Most of them are just so infuriating
As someone else said, i record what i want to watch, then skip all the ads, thats when you realise that an hours worth of TV is actually only about 24 minutes in total!
Yup. Record your progs. if you want live TV, just put it on pause for the ads and make coffee, check out the forum, play a few guitar scales, answer an email. Then fast forward through the ads. Best is to start your programme about 20 mins late, having just paused it when it was going to begin, that way, you can fast forward through about 4 lots of ads. Films on ITV are unwatchable any other way. In fact you probably need to start them about 30 minutes late there is so much crappy advertising. I'm 90% Beeb. PS: The Compare the Meerkats campaign has just started on French TV. Except you can't do a meerkat/market pun so they are "furets" : ferrets, which doesn't work at all. And there is no Russian accent. In fact, the whole thing is complete crap and will never catch on. Some humour is just untranslatable.
I like one ads. Some can be very inventive and funny. :smile: I never know what they're advertising though