You go out for a ride and as normal you stop off at a cafe-you come back to your bike to find some clown has parked his bike so close to yours that you would think the two were mating. Happened again to me yesterday in a cafe car park that was about the size of a football pitch-the idiot was still on his bike.He had to move his pile of junk so I could get on my bike.I am continually amazed at how thick some people are.
Oh yes when it comes to parking there is some real thoughtless pricks out there ! How dare they park so effing close........
You just have to face up to the fact that there are an awful lot of incredibly stupid people in the world. You don't necessarily notice it from the off, but probe a bit and you find out that no end of people are complete morons.
No one likes to be told they are stupid. Politicians are not in the business of telling people what they don't want to hear.
I do know what you mean mervyn Taking a lateral view, maybe he just wanted to be your friend? or taking it a hypothetical step further, what if biker removed helmet to reveal a Denise Richards lookalike complete with cascading hair?
Used to get it all the time in London, mostly from scooter riders, which is why I endeavoured to get the 'end bay' to make it easier. Saying that since I started riding Ducati's into work, Ive found a much more secure place to park, where there is a lovely space between spaces and support beams, big enough for just one motorbike? But yeah car drivers as well, normally when there are plenty of spaces elsewhere, they park inches from your door. Some people just don't see the big picture, or just don't care
I think some people just find it very difficult to undertake close manoeuvring, ESP when paddling bike backwards into a space, and then when they put it on the side stand, it leans more than ' expected' . Ego then kicks in, and they don't want to be seen re-parking. they try and park in a space " next to" another bike and get it wrong, plain and simple. Not malicious, merely incompetent. And then we vote them to be MPs.....
I came back to my bike in the City one day (my 916) to find it sandwiched between 2 scooters. Needless to say I was annoyed. I removed the 2 scooters and threw them on the road (on their side) and rode off. Probably not a nice thing to do but it was the heat of the moment and my lower panel and monoposto had been scratched by these idiots. Oh I might have kicked them a bit too. I was a tad incandescent. I dont ride into the city anymore and neither would I use these parking bays on anything other than a shitter. Top Tip when commuting. When filtering and some annoying twerp on a scooter is up your jacksie, simply pull a massive stoppie. They soon back off.
I do hate it when people park really close... And, the opposite - when some idiot parks right in the middle of a gap big enough for two vehicles and there's no other gaps... There are some inconsiderate people out there...
Hi Chris.I don't think I would know what to do with a Denise Richards:tongue:The bloke on the bike had a fluorescent jacket with blue and silver squares on the front and a white crash helmet.No,he wasn't a copper,but he did say that road users usually moved out of his way to let him through!I did refrain from calling him a t++++r. The other thing I have noticed with these morons is that they are always on a shonker of a bike which has no right to be alongside a Ducati. I shall stop now as this old git feels a lengthy rant coming on
I totally sympathise M - I find that how I react on the day is a reflection of how i'm feeling in myself. If it's someone who hasn't thought it through then you could worry about them riding a bike even but if it's pure selfishness then I had better not comment further. Either way it's something you could do without.
i would imagine clowns would have to park quite a distance from the next bike because they have such big feet....
No clowns !!!! I am phobic of them please ! Seriously ! I get parking rage ... Especially parking over my bike exit!