Hi all, As per title really, does the pic look like a dyno jet kit? I suspected that my 600ss had a dyno jet kit fitted and was told that it does, but the carbs were never stripped to prove... So can anyone tell me if it is or isn't from this? My thinking, looking at previous posts etc is that if it is, it'll fit the 750 Cheers! Ben
Not at home to look but clue is no markings on needle and a darker colour than standard and a pointy end that is more pointed than standard generally (depends on spec of course). Spring is thinner gauge, less windings and longer than original. The spring does look like a Dynojet version but couldn't commit 100% Edited description due to memory failure
No markings on the needle, not sure on colouring though as I've not much to compare to! Thanks for the help
The DJ needle for the 900SS is slightly different to the 750SS, but possibly not too much. One way to find out is send them to DJ for free exchange if they are worn, without saying what they are for and see if they tell you instead. The other way is that I spend an hour with a known 900SS needle and use a micrometer to check the diameter at set distances along it, so you can compare the same dimensions on yours.....
I compared spec of the 600 and 750 dyno jet kits on their website- all looks the same- I think the idle jet? Was slightly bigger on the 750. So with your wonderfully helpful (as always) pic Al, I feel I can safely assume I can dynojet the 759... Thanks mate
I have the DJ fitting destructions for the Stage 1 & 2 kits for 600SS and 750SS somewhere on this pc........they tell you what is in each kit..........want them? I'll email them if so....... I might even have the 900SS one as well..........
They look just like the needles and springs I took out of my 600 monster when it was running like a pig. The genuine needles I bought to replace them look just like the others in your pic and are also engraved with a part number so I'd say they definitely were dyno jet ones.
If the number was accompanied by a little square motif, they would have been OEM / genuine Mikuni needles.