Would the outcome, and outrage, have been different if this was a male celeb bashing his missus? BBC News - Melanie Sykes admits assaulting Jack Cockings
Probably but it's not really suggesting its an ongoing thing, Christ, my mrs loves throwing stuff at me when I oiss her off
if it had been a bloke knocking his bird about he would have been in disgrace..then if he was a rapper, would have gotten back with her after she posted naked photos of herself on twitter, then he would have made a rap 'song' about it, had a hit, got back together, and both have elevated their careers as a result. Mel is a top drawer Milf though....make no mistake...i'd take a vase to the face for a grunt on that.
Who knows, maybe its the straw etc etc...what makes a man feel that threatened he picks up the phone and calls the police if shes just chucking plates at him?! Me and the mrs have chucked stuff at each other for years...occasionally dodged a sharp implement or two...but never felt that threatened I'd call old plod
She's always been a violent Cnut. Sure I read ages ago about her kicking off with one of her mates in a nightclub?...
its these northern birds....they like a ruck...like that rascist outburst from 'our cheryl'.... me and my ex never chucked stuff, but we did do a lot of 'casual cnuting' i still maintain though, that she's a top drawer milf...
Oh god .. I knew that would come up !!!but have forgotten the phrase!!! Sounds like she Has chucked something at him. It's not right ... But what did he say to make her mad! Shouldn't really chuck stuff at your other half but even I will admit to hurling a tv at my Exhusband when I was 20!!! He deserved it ...
I was trying to find photos from a domestic violence against women campaign. 1st spots were of bruised, hurt women with lines like "Because soup was to salty" or "Because he felt to pretty" About a month later opposite side joined the campaign where on photos you had man being bruised, hurt and so on with slogans like "Because fur was to cheap" or "Because limit on credit card was to low". While they hit a serious subject, well two of violence and fact it is always man being the aggressors in such campaigns. However I can tell you this when you were riding down m-way you could not just ignore the signs some were just comical my personal best is the credit card one.