Dorset Italia Weekend 7th, 8th & 9th of June

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Conquest Racing Ltd, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Dorset Italia weekend

    Hi folks

    Just to let you know there is an italia weekend the info is below. We will have a stand to show off some of our products at a discounted rate.

    Look forward to seeing you there.........

    The weekend is the 7th, 8th & 9th of June - Hopefully we'll have some sunshine!!It's the first time we've organised such an event so it will be a bit more of an informal gathering, General idea is:

    Friday night

    Informal meeting down the pub


    Breakfast available
    Late afternoon evening BBQ or Hog roast
    Live Band Playing


    Breakfast will be available

    Were in a really great area of Dorset for having a ride about. Limited camping is available in the orchard but again its informal camping!! (No shower blocks etc). Any of your members would be more than welcome to join us.

    My email address is '[email protected]' for contact.
    The pub is The Drovers Inn, Gussage All Saints, Nr. Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 5ET. WWW.Drovers-Inn.Co.UKi folks,
  2. be rude not to attend
  3. Hi

    As per Conquest thread

    Planning on going over Saturday afternoon for the Hog Roast and band in the evening and weather permitting may even camp the night! Blast round the local roads on Sunday maybe

    Only 20 miles west from Salisbury

    Who's going to join us?

    The Drovers Inn, Gussage All Saints, Nr. Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 5ET. WWW.Drovers-Inn.Co.UK

    Friday night
    Informal meeting down the pub


    Breakfast available
    Late afternoon evening BBQ or Hog roast
    Live Band Playing

    Breakfast will be available
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Would love to but it's right on baby no2's due date. Don't think I'll get a leave pass for that one!
  5. sounds like a hoot, but I have a compulsory-attendance family reunion party in Sutton on Saturday :frown:
  6. Threads merged :smile:
  7. Hey you Disco Diva! Chris
  8. Zippy Zimmer more like.
  9. Anyone with any better excuses

    3/10 guys
  10. Ok, so imminent arrival of child near that date not good enough, try this.


    Regrettably I won't be able to attent the Dorset Italian weekend. This is because on the Saturday morning I have to go into hospital for the final procedure before I can formally be called Margaret. I would dearly love to attend, but think I might be a bit too sore to ride after the procedure.

    matt, soon to be Margaret.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. pictures or it didnt happen

    good job its not two weeks later or my excuse would be my sons 21st!
  12. 2/10. He could have gone with you and made a weekend out of it!:tongue:
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