DP tail tidy undertray LED indicators and Exhaust hanger

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by Daver848, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Hi Has anyone fitted any of the following items? DP tail tidy, DP undertray, DP LED indicators and DP Exhaust hanger? I am thinking of fitting them all in one hit but the instructions refer to the workshop manual when it comes to removing the original parts! As I do not have a workshop manual or the £300 it would cost does anyone out there have any words of wisdom, instructions etc that may help me fit these items that are sat in the garage? Any help would be really appreciated. Cheers P.S. it would be a good idea to start an instructions thread on here where people can post instructions for fitting various items, add ons etc. (just a thought.)
  2. I've fitted the DP tail tidy and an Evotech exhaust hangar.

    Both of them were fiddly in the extreme.

    The tail tidy requires you to fit all of the numberplate and indicator wiring into a very small space along with some spacers that come with the kit. It took me a few hours to get everything in there.

    The exhaust hangars are held on with 3 allen bolts, some of which you can only get about 1/16 of a turn on at a time. I got the impression that the original rear foot rests were the 1st thing fitted to the bike in the factory and everything else was fitted afterwards. :tongue:

    Tho only advice I could give really is to be patient and put a couple of hours aside for each of these jobs. You'll be fine without a manual.


  3. Cheers for that mate. That is one nice looking bike you have there! :smile:
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  4. Cheers Dave :upyeah:
  5. Tail tidy was a real pain, and you need to be very patient in routing the cables, as there is very little space. As for the DP exhaust hanger, I will let you know later, as my parts have just arrived
  6. Nice one Gos6.
    Feel free to post some pics of installation if you want as I could do with all the help I can get! :)
    I figured I will fit the parts all in one go but really don't know where to start.
    Not sure what I will need to remove and don't want to take things off unnecessarily if you know what I mean.
  7. He's right you know. There's only one there. :wink:
  8. Just fitted an Evotech exhaust hanger. Took best part of two and a half hours and I thought it was gonna be easy.
    Patience of a saint required. Looks good though.
    Half way through doing the DP tailtidy , so far so good.
    Bit worried about the quality of some of the fixings I've taken off, cant imagine what they would be like to remove in a couple of years.
    Copper slip being used.:upyeah:
  9. Tail tidy on....... tail tidy off. Fitted one of the plates wrong, on.
    The insructions are as clear as mud.:biggrin:
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