Obviously superhuman and capable of driving , talking on the phone and fighting crime all at the same time. Super Rozzers.
I'm sure that'll be in the Daily Mail tomorrow with the usual guff they like to print. The Police have a legal exemption for work related calls. The problem is we don't know if the call was urgent or he was just chatting to his wife!
It's not a real police van Not allowed visible tattoo's and the 'police' is in the wrong colour on the wrong part of the vehicle.
As above, the picture is a still from a video which shows the Police graphics taped over, it's a prop vehicle from a props hire company!
I don't know what your location is, but a lot of Plod round this way have forearm and upper arm tattoos, obviously clearly visible when they wear their short sleeve shirts. AL
I've just re-named my wi-fi network to "Police Surveillance Van 34" That should stop my feckin' neighbours from logging onto my signal