Drivers using mobile phones

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. There should be a law against it......

    mobile phones.jpg

    mobile phones.jpg
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  2. Saw and shared this on FB :biggrin:
  3. Yup....taking photos whilst driving should be illegal..... ;-)
  4. using a mobile is totally unacceptable, unless im doing it surreptitiously...
  5. Obviously superhuman and capable of driving , talking on the phone and fighting crime all at the same time. Super Rozzers.:rolleyes:
  6. The last time I tried it, I dropped the phone as I pulled the clutch lever in.......
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  7. I'm sure that'll be in the Daily Mail tomorrow with the usual guff they like to print. The Police have a legal exemption for work related calls. The problem is we don't know if the call was urgent or he was just chatting to his wife!
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  8. It's not a real police van :p
    Not allowed visible tattoo's and the 'police' is in the wrong colour on the wrong part of the vehicle.
  9. As above, the picture is a still from a video which shows the Police graphics taped over, it's a prop vehicle from a props hire company!
  10. I don't know what your location is, but a lot of Plod round this way have forearm and upper arm tattoos, obviously clearly visible when they wear their short sleeve shirts.

  11. same here...some look like ex fact, i think the entrance qualifications are the same..
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  12. I've just re-named my wi-fi network to "Police Surveillance Van 34"

    That should stop my feckin' neighbours from logging onto my signal
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