They don't look far off tomato plants............... without the tomatoes of course. The things you have to do when you own a 916 FFS............. they respond well to conversation and Baby Bio. Only kidding...... how do I know this stuff anyway? Ah, right, that goes back to the RD days,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Never done them apart from alcohol, fags and the occasional paracetomal... What's the crack with them?
Not if your potential employer can some how find out you were on here and go through your posts. Perhaps Im the only fool to use his actual name... too late now
They've already got an unfair advantage, the ungrateful cows. They've got more places to stuff their cache...
feck it, i will go first. i have dabbled in most so i feel i can comment. magic mushrooms and acid taken once when i was late teens left me thinking i was having a mental break down. ecstasy taken in my mid twenty's did nothing for me. developed an unhealthy interest in amphetamine in my late twenty's early thirty's,helpd get me laid an awful lot but had to move to the wilderness to get off it.Aberdeen is a reet dirty den of debauchery:smile:. not adverse to greenery. if you have read my other comments on drugs you will know that i have been a lot luckier than some i knew.