37t 520 on a 1098......Oooo, most places will only stock 525's at that size I'd guess, so you might have to order one in somewhere. http://www.moto-racing.co.uk/item--...198-S-R-07-10--1198+Ren+Race+Sproc+Rr+07.html Mind you a lot of people have 520 set ups on 748's and monsters so you might find one. RENTHAL REAR SPROCKET 520-37T DUCATI MONSTER SS 90-09 | eBay What have you got on the front?
I have a 15T in the front and 38T on the back with the RS gearbox. In Estoril the bike is cutting 50 mt before the braking marker.
I didn't think of long straights on circuits abroad. What's it like round the rest of the circuit, is it worth it for one straight? Mind with the price and ease of the quick release sprockets...it's worth the experiment.
B&C Express in the UK are listing them Pedro. The part number you want is 462-520-37, wherever you get it from. The earlier 748/996 carrier is different and the sprockets don't swap over... the "462" is the key number.
I use B&C express. There are loads of different sizes available - try here B&C Express | Renthal Sprockets - Road - Sprockets