Hi Guys and Girls my brother in-law has just had is above stolen from Alie Street Aldgate London at about 3 p.m this afternoon. Red, with loads of extras bolted on in absolute mint condition, this bike had steering lock on and chained up in the bike bay! no one saw it!! please keep an eye out, but probably on its way across the channel by now :Arghh: Edit: He last saw it at 2:30 still chained up
i,m afraid no tracker was fitted,i will ask him to send over some pics later when his stopped crying,we are going over to the Black Forest in May but i dont think this will be sorted by then, he has been around all the local pubs and Clubs and has asked for them to give the police the camera footage outside the bars where the bike was stolen from the police have said that only 10% will be recovered., wiil keep you all posted.Thanks for your support
:Arghh: When my Ninja was nicked from Brum last year, the first thing I did with the (little) money I got, was to put a tracker on the Ducati. Really hope he gets it back and that the bastards that nicked it, get whats coming to them unch:
Not sure whether this was posted on here before but i suspect the bike will be long gone by now judging by this. http://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocia...4/march/ducati-stolen-recovered/#.UzxTv1e9b-E
Gutted for him. Probably enroute to Lithuania in the back of a Transit. Like the 899 Panigale in MCN the other week. Fingers crossed the b'st@rds get nicked and the bike is returned safely.