749's and 999's had exactly the same, it all changed when 848 was released I think or around that time anyway
Need to go to spec savers for some unknown reason thought you were talking about 748 misread thread title my bad. I'll get my coat, where's the door?
my 748r will with come with stand, cover , exhausts and wheels if someone buys it! il even fill the bugger up with petrol
Exige or anyone else for that matter, I have just been looking at pictures of 749 & 848 what differences are there between the frames if any?
Is this a quiz? The 749 has a cast union in the frame at the top shock mount area, the 848 doesn't? They are very similar aren't they :smile:
Was just looking at them side on and the basic shape is the same, couldn't figure out if the 749/999 frame was slightly smaller diameter or not.