Am looking to buy a 2010 848 with just over 3k on the clock. Would people be concerned it has had 4 owners plus current owner. It has full ducati service history bar the last one?
check its not an ex race/track bike or anything like that, if its straight i dont see a problem, i bought an r1 about 4 years ago and it had a different owner nearly every year or ever two years been the most reliable bike ive had, wouldnt sell it for the world. People like the idea of owning a ducati and once they sign the paper work over realize they cant get one with them they usually sell um pretty quick, or buy one to say they had one for a year then sell up.
OK thanks. The current owner only bought it in April and with a few owners already just had me wandering if it had underlying issues. Hopefully it's a good buy. Will let you know..
Wouldn't be concerned as such but the price would have to be right. When you come to offload it , a potential purchaser may have the same concerns and hence offer a lower amount. The other consideration is high owner bikes tend to attract fewer purchasers. Depends what your plans are.
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest. If it ticks all the right boxes, why not? And white ones look miles better.