Ducati 848

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Steve 848, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Anyone have any knowledge on the 848 not starting? It was working fine on Friday but Saturday morning it wouldn't turn over. I'd appreciate any help thanks.
  2. how do.
    your gonna need 2 allan keys and a multimeter maybe a 10mm spanner for starters.
  3. Thanks are you saying it's the relay?
  4. Ok what do you think the fault is please?
  5. start with battery voltage and connections at battery
  6. That's all fine
  7. check earth goods and starter solenoid operating. bridge out the two large posts if necessary.
  8. I've done that and that seems ok
  9. so it turns over but doesnt start?
  10. It tried to but was very weak
  11. whats your battery voltage dropping to when cranking?
  12. I'll check it tomorrow cheers mate
    • Like Like x 1
  13. also before you do anything else. if you have a decent set of jump leads connect the negative battery pole to good earth on the engine bearing in mind the casings are lacquered and the exhaust will scratch. that will eliminate an earth issue.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Welcome Dave :)
  15. @Exige do you have anything to add
  16. Hello and welcome into the mad house

    Bloody bikes!! :mad:

    I bet it's white :Brb:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  17. Hello and welcome. Sorted yet?
  18. All sorted cheers
  19. What was it??
  20. what was the fault?
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