Perhaps this event may be of interest to those close to Ducati Alton? Tom. Join us for an evening with motorbiking adventurer Charley Boorman, and Movember ambassador Ben Bowers Join Ducati Alton for an evening at The Barn at Bury Court, Bentley with motorbiking adventurer Charley Boorman, and Movember ambassador Ben Bowers. The evening will include a complimentary drink on arrival and food later in the evening, doors will open at 7pm and more drinks can be purchased at the bar. Organized by Ducati Alton with 100% of ticket sales going to Movember to help their charity work raising awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. Thursday 14th December 7pm at The Barn at Bury Court Bentley, Farnham, GU10 5LZ IMPORTANT; the cost is a minimum donation of £25 per person and please, please make sure you don't donate anonymously as we'll have no way of knowing who's paid. Also if you're paying for more than one person please state how many in the comments, otherwise we'll assume you're just being generous! Could you also please call us at the shop so we can take your details should we need to contact you if anything changes. (GDPR prevents Movember from sharing your details). We hope you can join us for this unique event. Register for Ticket / Donation link https://ducatialton.us2.list-manage...bca50f5e0ffd32cf21&id=9101e0e2b6&e=c6c97aff09
Like him or loathe him last night was an interesting and enjoyable evening with lots of stories and anecdotes from Charlie and Ben. The various big trips, the failed Dakar Rally after a day 5 crash, and why we all enjoy bikes so much. But the point of the evening was to raise funds for Movember, which I'm sure it did. There were some very personal revelations from both Ben and Charlie about what they've been through which hasn't been caused by falling off bikes. The revelation that between them they only have 1 bollock left makes you think. I 'm the archetypal bloke in my mid 50's with my head buried firmly in the sand about Men's health, typical bloke Cancers, Men's Mental health, Suicide etc, not helped by a family history that puts my life expectancy at mid to late 60s. But even I have come away thinking that perhaps I should 'check myself' more often, perhaps one day one of the aches and pains or odd injuries won't go away, and it could be worth a trip to the docs, and perhaps yes, it could be good to actually talk to mates about stuff. Although in my case I'd need to find some mates first. Best of all though, my youngest lad who's in his mid 20's came along with me, and hopefully it's made him think a little more about that sort of stuff before he heads off down the same route as his stupid father.