judt had to get a new battery fitted to my 2013 multi which has been connected to battery charger when not used for over a week. My charger is a acumen titanium which is a half way decent one I believe but battery still dead. Anyway is the Ducati one any better?
I have no idea as I use an optimate, My 848 Streetfighter and 899 Panigale were plugged in all winter 2013/2014
I personally can't see what difference the Ducati one is over my existing one but garage said that Ducati would have only honoured any battery issues if Ducati charger one used
The Panigale comes with ready plug under pillion seat/rear cowl which takes the official Ducati charger, there aint much difference in price between that or an optimate.
Never had a problem with an Optimate. The Oxford Oximiser seems to fry batteries if it's left on for any length of time. (The Optimate is an "inteigent charger" and the Oximiser isn't). Never tried a genuine Ducati one...
Have the Ducati charger fitted to a 1200 Multistrada and a Diavel and have had no issues which is not what I can say about the Optimate and the Oxford item. Andy