Ducati Cambridge - Great Service

Discussion in 'Online Retailer reviews' started by KA77, May 27, 2023.

  1. I’m not usually one to heap praise on people for simply doing their job, however, I must say Ducati Cambridge went above and beyond for me yesterday.

    I set off to collect my new bike at around mid-day on Friday, for what should have been a simple 4 and half hour trip from Devon to Cambridge on Britains finest motorways (allowing an hour or so for traffic), what actually transpired was an epic 7 and 1/2 hour trip from bank holiday hell. I had kept Neil the sales manager updated on the delays incurred on the M5, but when he called me for an update around the time I was originally due to arrive at the dealership and I instead had to inform him that I was now at an absolute stand still on the M4 and that the sat nag was suggesting that I would now be arriving 2 hours after normal opening hours on a beautifully sunny bank holiday Friday, I had fully expected the reply to be “Best you find a travel lodge for the evening and collect the bike in the morning sir”. But instead, Neil reassured me that it was no problem and to not worry, he would wait as long as it takes. I was so relieved by his kind offer, it made the tail back on the M4 a little easier to bear!

    If this wasn’t good enough service in its own right, on arriving at the dealership at around 20:00 on a bank holiday, two hours after they should have shut for the evening, imagine my horror having walked to the back of the trailer to open the tail gate so I could load the lovely new bike, only to be confronted with a padlock on the door, for which I did NOT have the key!!

    I was in full panic mode now and was starting to concede that today was not my day and a night in a B&B would be required, so the lock could be tackled by the mechanics when they arrive for work in the AM. However, I needn’t have worried as Jon the branch manager calmly offered me a brew and told me to start going over the paperwork with Neil while he tackled the rogue padlock with a Dewalt 18V drill and cobalt bit. This we did and 5 mins later Jon rejoined us with a huge grin on his face and a very sad looking, drilled out padlock in his hand.

    Honestly, I was so relieved to be able to load the bike at such a late hour on a bank holiday Friday and then get back to Devon the same day (for various reasons) and the guys at Ducati Cambridge ensured that this was indeed the case. They were absolutely superb, perhaps I was a bit naive in my timings, considering it was a bank holiday, but they did not make me feel guilty for wasting their time and sent me on my way with a fresh brew and a handshake, for that I am very grateful.


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    #1 KA77, May 27, 2023
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
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  2. Thread moved
  3. That’s great service indeed.
    However…no picture of bike…it didn’t happen!
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  4. Edited the post for you (And yes the chair is where I’ve spent most my day just looking at it)
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  5. Nice tidy garage :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I know it’s a V4 but is is a fancy one?

    Edit - just seen the little R..
  7. Thats a lovely bike, pretty sure I saw that at their open evening a few back. I've been dealing with them a few years now, great bunch they are. Enjoy your purchase, lovely bike and I'm very jealous!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Bought my first ducati (899) off them way back when and always wished they were my local dealers. 10 odd years on they actually are and will be getting my latest one to service when the time comes later this year.

    Bike looks ace btw @OP :upyeah:
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