Ducati clothing - have they totally lost the plot?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Dave, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Just seen some shots of the latest Ducati clothing range. Made me wonder if they'd sell more if their gear had a different style about it.
  2. Pics? Or Link?
  3. 'Fraid not. JHP posted them to their FB page and I'm on my phone so can't link to them.

    It is more of the usual Italian casual. I just don't get it - all of it nasty but things like the trainers in particular are horrific. Who on earth do they think would wear this stuff?
  4. Just had a look at stuff on their main website. It is pretty naff I agree.

    But there again I don't really buy into the branded merchandise stuff anyway.

    Having said that, they used to do a lovely leather bomber type jacket some time ago but they've obviously been discontinued.
  5. I must say I have nothing against branded if it its tastefully done but not naff.
  6. they would sell a lot more if the labeling was true to size

    buying it by mail order is fraught with danger as you have a 99% chance of getting the wrong size
  7. I agree. Ducati could take a leaf out of the Triumph catalogue.
  8. Audi owners :tongue:
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  9. I'm a fan of simple t shirts that are just one colour, with the company logo tastefully dont on the front. Cant really go wrong with that :upyeah:
  10. The suede vintage jacket is a disaster waiting to happen ... Yuk
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