Theres the rocker cover from my 5k 2011 HyperMotard evo which while on my watch has been caught in the rain a dozen times since last September. Now this is just one of a number of parts that has pretty well corroded the same way. Also off at the powder coaters this week is the guide under the beak that holds the brake lines. Other stuff that's been done, off the top of my head.... All the engine bolts. All bolts round the handlebars Front brake caliper bolts Subframe recoated Exhaust hanger recoated Brake lines swapped out (only the front done so far as they were the worst) but working my way to the rear brake line next and then the clutch master cylinder. Head cylinder bolts (god knows how im going to get the front ones off) as they look like they've been down with the titanic. Starter motor is bubbling as well, no idea how to tackle that. Now, you can't tell me that this is acceptable on a bike of this age along with all the other crap above - and that's just stuff I can see - theres more to go. My old 04 z1000 had 15k on it and the engine once given a quick clean was in way better condition. My RSV4 factory 59 plate with 1k more in miles looks virtually brand new all the standard engine bolts while I will change them for stainless are in good nick. That goes for engine coatings, round the front wheel etc etc. Hopefully someone at Ducati will pick up on moaning sods like me and do something about it in the future...
I think on the next oil change ill be taking off the left hand engine casing and getting that done as the weather has/is starting to take its toll on that....I love the bike but its infuriating that something this new is weathering so badly...for the sake of a couple of hundred quid on the price of the bike it would last years longer...
dont know why they are the price they are. is it dated or just expensive build costs? is it that reassuringly expensive bull shit. obviously there is marketing dudes with the formula.
IME, they don't give a stuff...
Yup - that looks like the way the components went on mine....TBH ill do all the recoating myself. Im looking at keeping it for the foreseeable. Having the RSV4 and the Duc for me are the perfect mix. Although the weatherproofing on the duc is proving to be testing to say the least....
I have said it before........ After all the experience of Jap bike lacquered engines, I simply don't understand why Ducati 'paint' their casings......... The 80s Guzzi engines weren't painted, just fine sand cast............Could be ridden through snow, rain and mud, but all they ever needed was a liberal coat of Gunk and a blast of cold water from a normal hose.......... ............if they went a bit dull, to bring life back into them a quick going over with a fine stainless steel wire brush did the trick. You would have thought by now, Ducati would have learned something from their competitor's bikes...... ........perhaps 'style' is more important than 'practicality' (or tractorbility).......... But its a fat lot of good looking all pretty in the dry showrooms, when after two minutes in rain it turns in to a rat bike.