Ducati leathers

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by gman2050uk, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. They're not real. Definitely not Ducati ones. Ducati usually use Dainese.

    I can't vouch for their quality.
  2. Yer that's what I was thinking
  3. They look cheap and nasty! If it was me I'd avoid them. You don't know where the hide is from and how it's been treated. Or even things like the stitch spacing and thread type? Good kit costs more, but how much is a skin graft worth?
  4. Its just nasty tat and then you get poor copies like that!!! :biggrin:
  5. cheap shit tat..you see lots of that crap on ebay.
  6. I went for the real deal instead ImageUploadedByTapatalk1382953242.857831.jpg

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  7. Dainese only for me too. Coz I is a poser.
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