Ducati on Sky 253 at11pm

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by higgy748, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Discovery channel 253 on sky Twist the throttle story of Ducati

    Bit late posting I know it's on at 11pm
  2. Did you watch MV Augusta and bimota
    Blooming brilliant
    I'm recording the rest as I have man flu and feel quite poorly
  3. Its actually on Channel 523 - Discovery Turbo - NOT 253
  4. Never noticed that Dave
  5. Honda on right now - talking about Fast Freddy and the NSR500 at the mo
  6. Yes and you need to tidy up there is already a thread started ;-)
    Tut tut Matt
    The whole series was on turbo

    Go to your room no supper for you
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Here it is Matt ;-)
  8. Moved to Ducati General Discussion :smile:
  9. Moved to the naughty boys room :smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Really? Oops :biggrin:

    What a twat :biggrin::biggrin:
  11. Threads merged :smile:
  12. Good job I have my eye on you naughty boys :-D
  13. Thank you :smile:
  14. I watched the Ducati episode yesterday
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