No not exactly. This is one off ("Unica" program) customer specced bike from the factory. Odd that they came up with the 'Unica' moniker, 5 and a half years after I did, except Bologna never touched my bike, as I did all the spanner work myself. Lord knows how much they charged this guy though, but given it is a Superleggera V4, I am guessing the final bill probably didnt trouble him at all.
Superb bike, I'm sure, but the GT2 RS reference is a miss for me. As presumably not actually Porsche licenced, can't use actual Porsche name logo (unless I missed it?). So, Porsche colours, really, which is cool in itself I s'pose, but I would have left it at that and gone for a different name. Kudos on coming up with the Unica moniker first, @Topolino