This, Bought before I decided to fit the V4R track fairing and of course, the screen doesn’t fit the V4R fairing (or the later V4 models that have wings). Not sure if I’d trust the list of models it fits in the Ducati link 100% but the screen definitely fits the 2018/2019 MY V4/V4S/V4 Speciale. Has a tiny scratch near the edge of the screen where it sits against the fairing (nearest the rider) other than that, no marks that I can see. A “vulnerable” item to post and any packaging, if it is posted, will weight 3 or 4 times the weight of the screen. £75 collected from the RG26 post code area (M4/J11/12/13 or M3/J6) or plus p&p at cost to a UK mainland post code only. I am ‘out and about’ on the odd occasion so could arrange to meet somewhere convenient if that works. Andy