Hi all, I expect some of you have had or do have both these bikes. Would I notice that much difference between these two models? Not worried about the big radiator looks on s4r. Not many reviews on the pair.
Hi, I have an S4R which I have had for just over a year. I believe the S4R has higher spec suspension than the S2R? When I was looking I would have gone for either but, most of the S2R's where 800's and there weren't many 1000's for sale and having had a 900ss previously I didn't want to go down in cubes. The S4R is awesome, I don't mind the plumbers nightmare pipes and rad, the power and handling is just so addictive.
I'm looking at a nice s2r 1000 with 12000m and lots of extras plus original parts. £3900. your thoughts
Very nice! I liked the Black with White stripe & wheels. The Arrow exhausts look good too, wish I had those, I want to get rid of the colostomy bag collector on mine. I would say that as it is an '06 with that mileage and the extras, that's not a bad price.
I would also pose the question on UK Monster Owners Club where the air vs water debate can get (ahem!) rather heated. I had an S4R for about 6 years and it was a great bike but the cleaner lines of the S2R and simpler engine would probably be my choice if I were looking today. Both my bikes are now air-cooled btw.
s4rs 998 engine in a monster! hope you have a firm grip but wow 617 mile in 7-8 years!, what was the prev owner thinking! does it has a full service history.