As above - will be coming off of my 2010 evo sp hyper......I think theyre 60 quid to buy - 30 quid if anyone wants it.
Could be interested what make and model is it? I'm wondering if it will go on my multi 1200 - 2010 Peter
Well... As above ducee and its on my evo sp... Mines going in for dyno work on the 13th so your more than welcome to test it first of you want... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk ohh the clues in the title DOH! Thanks for the offer seems like a plan I'm guessing that if the plug is the same into the harness it should work. I'm looking around on forums etc for info. What do you suggest send it to me after the 13th if it doesn't work/fit send it back?
Yep - absolutely fine if you want to do that....I'm not near it at the moment but looking at the plug comparison they both look the same...
Bump - doesn't fit a multi - well, not the new ones anyway...I can only gather if its got the same plug itll work...