I've put a load of parts up on EBAY recently, for the first time in months. The parts didn't sell on here or other Forums. The new Selling portal is rubbish in respect of finding a section to list in, but the data I'm getting back about my auctions is terrible. I've had questions about auctions that are currently showing as not yet having any views, which makes you wonder how anyone can ask a question about an auction they've not viewed, and I've got one auction where more people are watching it than have viewed it!
eBay makes its' money from listing fees, so is actually strongly motivated to not sell your item, but have you re-list it. I hate FB, but I have discovered the simple charm of FB Marketplace.
All of mine are listed Free of Charge, they get their cut from the selling price. So exactly the opposite of what you said. I'll drop the price significantly to sell rather than create a FB account.
Never had a FB account....well, i did about 10+ years ago for about a week and then some fucking twat from school "wanted to be my friend" - i fucking hated him them let alone now...so closed it down....ive heard the marketplace is good but cannot be fucked to deal with assholes from my past...and all the shit that comes with FB....
I joined FB a while ago because of Messenger. I vowed to be the only person on FB with no friends. Succeeded so far. Marketplace is separate.
Yes FoC is not really going to make eBay any revenue as their selling fees are a % of the selling price. Maybe that explains why your eBay data is incorrect. Just trying to help.
Yes but you still have to have a facebook account...the reason i say is even if empty...its still a live facebook account - messenger and the marketplace are essentially just plugin's (if you will) of the main app...which is facebook...(ive managed to stay off it this long...and i would like to keep it that way) but as others have said ebay is pretty shit now...
Sorry, perhaps you misunderstood my post. I listed the parts with a price, but creating the listing is FOC from EBAY, I think my account lets me list a load each month without listing fees. The only money EBAY make from me is a % of the final selling price. I don't think anyone actually pays listing fees any more.
I *hate* FB Marketplace! Search facility is bad. My frequent search for “Ducati” doesn’t throw up ads I know are there, which I can find by scrolling generally.
So open an account with another name, and a different email. No drama, no assholes from your past, just useful things to buy!
If you think that eBay buyers are a bit spesh, then you’re in a for an unpleasant surprise because FB marketplace is by far and away the world's largest online moron magnet.
True, but there are some great things to buy occasionally and if that requires us to be adults when surrounded by kids so be it!
There are some surprising stuff for sale on FB Marketplace but the ads are shite with very little info and rarely do people reply on messenger. And agree the new listing category on eBay, it’s terrible unless just a classified ad. And another frustration is sellers always say no time wasters, you’ll be ignored, perhaps if they provided decent photographs and more than 6 words describing the item people would not have to ask questions.