I bought my 916 bip back in mid June, approx 8/9 weeks ago, i'm still waiting for the V5 to arrive for the bike, been in touch with the guy i bought it off and he says he posted it off as usual, i have since also filled out a V5 application form from the post office and sent that off about 3 weeks ago... still nothing, its never been this sluggish in the past when i've applied for new logbooks - is anyone else aware of or having problems with these people?...i have been told that 90% of them are still WFH, although i don't see what thats got to do with anything!
Have you tried calling them?I've had to ring them in the past and its not as bad as you might think to get through.
When you apply for a V5 as a new owner and they have no record from the previous keeper then they write to the previous keeper that someone has applied for the V5. They give them 2 weeks to respond. If they hear nothing then they issue the V5