1200 DVT Dvt Radiator Leak,

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by jacko1, May 25, 2020.

  1. I’ve noticed a small amount of coolant under my bike , 2015 DVT.
    I took the panels off and have found a small leak around the captive nut that holds the side panel bracket, any suggestions on the best type of sealant to use ? image.jpg
  2. How old is the bike?
    Chat to your dealer and see if they can assist with warranty claim or do i spy some damage in that pic?
  3. Hi, it’s a 2015 DVT, it looks in the pic like a dent but I’ve checked and it must be the angle or a shadow, there is no dent
  4. The problem you will have is when its hot and under pressure. A seal now may not be a seal then.
    It will likely need a recore to fix it properly. If not, it'll go at the most inconvenient time possible..as these things invariably do :(
  5. A re-core will not fix this, this is a mounting lug on the side tank and will need to be re-soldered
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Is it leaking from the center, where screw/bolt goes in or around the edge of said fixing?
    If it’s from threaded hole you might be able to get it sealed. Around the edge would likely be easier for rad repair shop.
  7. Thanks for all the replies, it looks as if it’s leaking around the edge of the fixing ! as recommended I’ll have to get it into a repair shop, just a bit wary of removing the radiator as I can’t see much and I’m not sure how difficult it’s going to be
  8. Would anyone suggest remove the bolt, wrap it in ptfe then put it back in to see if it seals? I know we do it with hot water in homes but I'm not sure on the temp guides for ptfe
  9. Hi noobie, thanks for the suggestion, although I don’t think PTFE tape will do the job as the leak is around the outside of the captive nut as opposed to coming from the thread, it has made me think a bit, I have applied Fernox paste, which is basically a jointing compound that doesn’t go completely hard but seals leaks, if it doesn’t work I’ll scrape it out and try something else.
    Cheers for all the input chaps
    Anymore suggestions are very welcome
  10. I had a leak on my MV radiator. I used some of that Aluminium brazing rod. It was on one of the cross tubes but it stuck and has stuck for the last 5 years
  11. A radiator repair shop, on the core, will use epoxy. Now that will be cheap and easily fixable if it starts leaking again. But you will need to make the call, when you remove the bracket, is it a stress fracture? If it is, it will require to be welded/soldered.
  12. This leak is a common problem, I know of at least 2 others, my dealer had mine replaced through Ducati goodwill, just had to pay for the labour. A mate had his professionally repaired, not expensive, by a company in Lincoln through Italia Moto.
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  13. H, I’ve had the rad repaired, some sort of resin applied , dropped it off in the morning at9.30 and picked it up at 1.30 , excellent service from County Radiators in Essex.
    I have just refilled the coolant and have overfilled the rad and expansion tank, Jesus I’m a dipstick at times am I ok to start the bike and let it find its own way around, while massaging the hoses ? , and will the excess fluid just come out of the overflow pipe ?
    As usual all advice is welcome .
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