For Sale Dzeus Fasteners - Free!

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by razz, Aug 23, 2018.

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  1. B3AC8F5B-A4C9-4C41-A112-EED8AB22A66A.jpeg 9D3EDBE7-255C-4842-9DF0-CDBD53770F54.jpeg 2769299E-A239-472E-93EF-4E853113F7F8.jpeg I have some quarter-turn fasteners that are just taking up space.
    If you want them, send me a private message. First come, first served.
    I don’t know what lengths they are, but the shiny gold ones are shorter than the dull silver ones.
    A postage contribution would be appreciated...
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