E cigs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. I gave up the smokes about 5 years ago but have had the odd electronic cigarette since.

    10 days ago I was at a party and a friend had one of these vapours.

    For those who don't know it's a new generation of e cig consisting of a nicotine liquid in a sort of metal pen. Well what a piece of kit this thing is.

    For all smokers on the forum, I suggest you try one of these.

    Giving up altogether is probably the best option but if like me you can't lose the craving, then this is surely the way to go . :smile:
    #1 clueless, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2013
  2. Going to get one soon. Tried the cheap ones that worked for a while, but the bigger ones are awesome!!... Roll on the New Year!!
  3. The one I bought is a beasty. I done a bit of research on these things and found a firm called E Wicked. It seems to sell good quality stuff. There are a few copycat websites but this one has a devil type logo. :wink:
  4. Can you post a link please?
  5. Totally wicked e liquid.co.uk.

    If this don't work just google the above. I bought a tornado ; )
    #5 clueless, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2013
  6. Is there an E-Spliff yet?
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  7. Also worth checking vape escape, that's where I got mine. They seem to be well respected and the liquid is top quality unlike some.
  8. This is something I have to do. I spend a sodding fortune on fags every month, it's got to stop.
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  9. Gave up summer 2012 , couldn't afford it

    Never looked back and had been smoking since 16

    Putting on weight was only downside -
    #9 Char, Dec 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2013
  10. Ah...
  11. i have had a pack in my box at work for a year now, they work. just need to get serious about it now.
  12. I use herbal tobacco for fat ones. I gave up fags etc 20 years ago. This has been free of tobacco tax as there's none in it. The government is putting ciggie tax on it from 1/1/14. The price of Greengo pouches is about to double/triple. Bastards.
  13. I wish my friend would stop his 40 a day :( :( lovely chap but it's not good :( but his choice .

    My other friend has COPD ? And I take him out to pub as he can't walk more then a couple yards now so I make sure he gets out and look after him .
  14. There has always been an E spliff it's called Canabis Oil but it goes from class B to Class A if your caught with it
  15. was a 60 a day man but off about 18 years now. I think you have to treat it like being an alcoholic with alcohol, as in never touch a cig or tobacco again. the cravings will eventually fade to almost nil and when you do have one it will fade in seconds. does anyone know for sure whats in these e cigs and what the long term risks are in using them?
  16. you are all fooling yourselves……………….which bit of it'll Fooking kill you don't you understand?

    merry xmas!
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  17. My mate died smoking his first ever cigarette.

    Mind you, he was fixing a gas leak at the time
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  18. I've used one to stop smoking. I now need to get my head round stopping using the E cig.Someone asked do they realy know what is in the liquid. Yes they do and there is none of the crap you find in fags except Nicotine of course.They cannot be as healthy as not smoking at all but they are a good substitute to get you off the fags. I suppose it will be nicotine patches for me to get me off the E cig, before I do that I have another task, Loose 3 stone
  19. I went over to ecigs 4 years ago after smoking 4ozs of bacca a week, haven't looked back since.
    I use a tanked system while i'm working and a drip tip whilst at home, both rebuildable and I mix my own liquid so I get the amount of nicotine/flavour I require, you can buy the wicks & wire by the meter this keeps the cost down, best thing I ever did.
  20. strange but i only relay smoke at work where i chain smoke or when drinking, at home one at night and two in the morning
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