Just tried these: Howard Leight - Quiet Uncorded Reusable EarPlug | Allearplugs.com They seem pretty good. Usually use Auritec. I can't get on with the expanding foam sort. Trouble with the Auritecs is they get very dirty and they're hard to clean and its very easy to push them in too far so you can't get them out again without tweezers. These ones have a a rigid rod in the middle which you push to insert and the wide skirt means you can't push them in too far. They seem to be as effective as the Auritec and quite comfortable. And a lot cheaper and easy to clean. I'll see how long they last.
I think the key with the expandable foam type is to get ones that are the right size for your ear canal, they are not all the same. I have a narrow ear canal and these 3M™ E-A-R™ E-A-RSoft™ Yellow Neon Earplugs : 3M UK & Ireland are brilliant for me. They squeeze very small, go right inside the ear canal, expand for a perfect fit and are easily removable.
With expandables I can get the right hand one in (after a few fumbles and several goes at squishing it into the right shape) but really struggle with the left. Either will creep out or get pull out as I put my lid on. The thing I like about both Auritecs and the Quiets is its just present and shove and they stay there first time. Saying that, the Quiets are better in that respect because they are more malleable and don't have a little stalk sticking out to catch on helmet linings.
Pull your arm iver your head and hook the top if your unner ear with your funger then slide plugs in - seems to straighten out yiur ear canal this way.
Given these Quiets a proper shake down now and I'm really pleased with them. Couldn't get them to seat very well to start with but I was doing it right. You have to push them home really firmly to get the full benefit. I think the little rod stretches the bulb out and when you release it swells out again and locks the plug into the ear canal. Push them home properly and they're quieter than the Auritecs, softer and more comfortable and they don't feel as deep like they're pressuring the ear. I reckon they'd be good for sleeping as well. They don't get dirty like the Auritecs. Think I'll order a whole pack of them. Riding the Streetfighter over to Winchester tomorrow to get the dash replaced so that'll be a good test. Its louder than the KTM.
apart from the comical responses , having used industrial ear plugs for many years , i do like the yellow foam ones ( no idea what the technical term for them is ) but tbh i cannot hear a single thing that my wife is saying via helmet intercom at over 50 mph,,,,,,,,,,,so i dont use any
I'll post a link to a company I use, they are amazing specially moulded earplugs. I've used them for best part of 20 years, I have tinnitus and am a farmer and have these in my pocket on a daily basis and fit them in less than 10 secs. I'll dig out the company and post the link
Protecthear.co.uk from louth in lincs. Google that or source QX same place they are not cheap but they work for me as I use them on a daily basis with work but they are bloody mint!! If anyone gets any be interesting to hear other views.
Max Lite by Howard Leight. £23 for a box of 200 pairs. One pair lasts a week of daily commuting plus w/e rides, then just throw them away. No biggie if you lose them - you haven't lost a load of money. No worry about them not fitting you any more when your ears change shape. Howard Leight | Max Lite Earplugs