
Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Loverobot, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. As my current earplugs just wont stay in I want to get some custom jobs
    Even better if they have a built in speaker
    I have seen a thread relating to some but they were £300 which is a lot but I guess if they last ages then its ok
    Wondering are there any alternatives and what are people using?
    Whats the fit like - do they stay perfect fitting and whats the sound quality like - bass often suffers on cheaper earphones?

    Has anyone tried these?
    #1 Loverobot, Apr 10, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2013
  2. I use these E-A-R Hearing Protection Products
    which although not made to measure, don't come loose, go in easy and are reusable. It is worth noting that earplugs are very much a personal preference thing, I would suggest trying as many different ones as you can to find the ones tha are right for you. In my experience you don't have to drop £300 on a set of made to measure plugs
  3. I have been using sparkplugs and also the orange foam type but particularly in my left ear they dont seem to want to stay in - especially when I put my helmet on
  4. do you have the make and model of those?
  5. I use cheap rhubarb and custard foam level errrrrrrrr 4 as I get them from work
  6. I don't unfortunately. I just got them from work.

    They are also connected by what can best be described as a shoe lace so that you don't lose them :smile:
  7. my e.a.r ultrafit have that stupid cord as well :tongue:
  8. Have tried loads of these things and always find the E.A.R. Classic cylinder shaped ones the best fit. I can't get on with the stalk type ones at all. I've always wanted custom ear plugs but the cost has put me off in case I don't like them. But I found this link recently... I've not ordered them (yet) but I think I will give them a go.

    DIY Moulded Ear Plugs from R&G Racing
  9. I do not wear ear plugs all the time but when I do I use the E.A.R disposable ones as I sell them at work!
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