Easy Rider Chopper

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. originally 2 each of the captain America and billy bikes were originally built for the film

    one of those was stolen back in the 70's, and now 2 exist ??? a lot of money to pay for what is probably a fake
  2. That film kicked off my biking lifestyle. after seeing that movie I started to build a triumph pre-unit 500 chop with 12" over teles, stretched a rigid frame 5" in the back lower rails(at nightschool), sportster tank but never finished it. I saw the error of my ways and swapped it for a Triumph 5TA. A mate of mine built an A10 plunger with 12" over springers.
    I bought a Franklin mint Captain America at a bootsale last year for £20, undamaged in a display case as a momento.
    Got the film on DVD recently, very dated now but the extra scenes and directors commentary are very interesting/amusing and the soundtrack is excellent.
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  3. great movie and great sound track

    however nowhere in the movie does Peter Fonda ever kick start the bike
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  4. get yer motor running......
  5. The provenance must have been fairly certain for that money I guess :Wideyed:
  6. Was it you Exige?
  7. That built the copy and sold it ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. [​IMG]

    to you, £5,200
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. the real thing..

  10. as close as I'll ever get to owning a captain america bike, which incidentally is more original than mine is

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