Ebola Virus And The Possible Consequences

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Ebola virus seems rather rampant in Africa, but experimental drugs have proved successful in halting (so far) the deadly effects in a couple of cases. Does anyone worry that it could become like the plague and wipe out whole regions, including European centers of population?
  2. once or twice. usually after i have (to put it like boots) smoked a dram or two.
  3. No, don't panic...
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  4. Historically the spread of Ebola has been prevented by it's rapid effects and slow means of transport, people die before they can spread it very far. Get it into a global airport hub and it could be around the world in no time.

    So Yes, but don't panic, just yet.
  5. Would it be practical to transport contagious cases to such places as Pakistan, Syria and Israel?
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  6. Has anyone thought about a self serving publicity gimmick to raise awareness?

    Mmmmmm, I know, maybe throwing a bucket of cold water over oneself or some'at like that without a mere mention of the word "Ebola".

    I heard a petri dish of Ebola was going to be a special guest on celebrity big brother.
  7. it's about time they got some talent on that show.
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  8. Agree with @johnv, although not even sure that if it got into an airport hub or aircraft (it would not be the first time) that it would spread that quick

    Western hygiene practices would also drop its virulence (sorry) further.

    I read The Hot Zone about it many years back and its a scary, scary virus. It quite literally turns your body to mush. They need to dispose of the corpse very quickly (apart from the obvious fear of infection) or bury you in a bucket. Again if PM is not done immediately after death there is not much left to PM.

    Not that any way is particularly pleasant but Ebola is definitely in the higher suffering category. Successive organ failure and bleed out.
  9. read the hot zone also and believe me its a book that you will always remember.

    edit to add iv just bought another copy to re read.
    #9 idrinkbeer, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
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  10. Do you think the US haven't thought of it?
  11. this is what they did in medieval sieges , fired contaminated bodies into besieged castles etc.so a big catapult aimed wherever has currently fallen from grace.
  12. .

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  13. 1st case reported in South America apparently.
  14. you will be fine, just dont remove that breathing apparatus you seem to have glued to your face. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Uk needs thinning out a bit, as long as I don't get it alls ok..
  16. The whole world needs thinning out. Something has to reverse human over-population since we don't seem capable of grasping the seriousness of problem ourselves. I don't think Ebola is going to do it. Someone needs to generate a virus that causes permanent sterility in humans but is otherwise harmless and spray it across the whole planet.
  17. we dont need a spray, we just need to make marriage compulsory. aye.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Oh well London may get some thinning, seems the powers that be think its a good idea to bring a contaminated person back to Central London for treatment...hahahaha wtf comes up with these ideas, what makes them think they can keep it isolated? man o man some people are as thick as thick, why run the risk? God help us...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Its not airborne, it only gets passed on by contact with contaminated body fluids. Ebola is not a problem, its a nasty virus that kills in a horrendous way but the incubation period is too short and the transmission method is too limited for it to become an epidemic.
    Influenza kills more in America alone every year than have been killed by this outbreak of Ebola...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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